How to Buy Tickets

You can find information about how to purchase tickets to travel on our buses and trains. There are many ways to pay for your journey. What suits you best?
Illustration av en mobil med biljett i fönstret
the UL app

Buy Tickets Using Your Cell Phone

The UL app is a smart travel tools to help you to find your way around and buy tickets. The app lets you buy single tickets, period tickets and pay by debit/credit card or Swish.

Everything about the UL app
Hand med gult kort mot biljettläsare
UL card

Get a UL Card

When the right ticket is loaded you can use your UL card to travel anywhere you want throughout the county. You can also register it for a loss guarantee for a refund if you lose your card.

How your UL card works
Illustration på en stor biljettautomat
Ticket machines

Buy Your Ticket at the Bus Stop/Platform

We have ticket machines at all major transport hubs. You can pay by debit/credit card or use your UL card's travel funds.

The machines are located here
Illustration betalkort
debit/credit card on board

Pay When You Get on

On almost all our buses, you can buy a ticket with VISA or Mastercard debit/credit cards. The exception is the traffic we have together with SL, line 677 and the SL commuter train. No ticket sales on board Mälartåg.

Read more
Ombudsflagga med UL logotyp
ticket agents

Get Personal Help

You can buy most of our tickets and get information about our buses and trains at our sales agents. Look for the UL logo.

Where to find ticket agents