Hej och välkommen till Mitt UL-kort!

Här kan du själv ladda ditt kort med biljetter och/eller fylla på reskassa. För att använda tjänsten behöver du ett UL-kort och ett betalkort. Du kan också skapa ett UL-konto som innebär en mängd fiffiga fördelar.
  • Se vilka biljetter som finns på kortet.
  • Se hur mycket pengar som finns i reskassan.
  • Spärra ett borttappat kort och utnyttja förlustgarantin.

UL-kortet kan du skaffa hos något av våra försäljningsombud eller hos UL Center.

Vi ses ombord!

Spärra ett borttappat kort och utnyttja förlustgarantin.

Application for loss guarantee

Have you lost and blocked your UL card? Order a new one here.

 It is important to remember that you must have first blocked your registered UL card before you fill out this form. You do this by logging in at My UL Card and clicking on “Block card". To update your address, log in and click on Account Settings at the top. Check that your address details are correct, if not change and click the "Save changes" button.

The loss guarantee applies if your lost card contains at least SEK 50 in travel funds, five days are left on your period ticket or two journeys are left on your 10-journey ticket.


  • The card will be sent to your registered home address withing My UL Card
  • Period tickets have the same validity as the ticket on the blocked card
  • You must pay for any journeys yourself until you receive your new UL Card
  • The loss guarantee only applies if the card is registered on My UL Card when you lose it. It is not possible to register it afterwards to obtain the loss guarantee
You can find your card number here
(you must be logged in)
* Obligatorisk uppgift


Thanks for your order!

Your new UL card will be sent to your home within five business days.